Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Save the world: Toy Library: Serving the Community

Marion in red top.

Every Wednesday, I take time off from school and volunteer teaching adults English as a second language. Another group of ladies are volunteering their time to serve the wider community.

I see mums lugging big toys with their toddlers in toll. Toys that my children never played with because I could never afford them or want to spend my money buying them, even though my husband was an engineer.

What lucky women, what lucky kids. I thought to myself.

Then I was told, they didn't buy them. They were utilizing the services of the Toy Library operated on the premises of the Mt Albert Baptist Church Office Building.

The library is supervised by Marion Bain and her band of merry ladies. Say, there are very friendly, I can vouch for that because I saw them. I asked Marion about the funding, and she told me the Toy Library we hire the building off the church.

What about the funding? As I look around the well equipped library. Marion says: Donations are always welcome, and as the Toy Library is a charity, they get funding from various sources.

Ka Pai Marion, and all her helpers.

The Toy Library is at 732 New North Road, in Mt Albert, Auckland, New Zealand. Remember, it is at the older officer building, go up the ramp and towards the back.

It is opened on Tuesday and Wednesday, 9.15 -11.15am, and during the school terms only.

There is a small charge: $40 per family a year, if you have a community service card, $20.

Borrowing: Toys range from 50c to $3 per issue (2 weeks borrowing time)

Duties: 2 per year (2x2hr blocks)

I must say, this small amount is nothing, considering the quality of toys available. Besides, children get tired of their toys very quickly. I must say this is a very good idea. Even if you can afford lots of toys, you won't end up with your house all cluttered up with toys your children no longer want to play with.

And on the plus side if the social aspect, I am sure you will make friends you meet in the library, especially on the day you do your duties. This might even be a good item on your CV, when your kids are grown, and have no experience. You have customer contact. This is my own opinion.

I wonder if there are similar Toy Libraries in other places of the world. I like to hear about it.

Contact Marion:627 0083, you could call by for a visit.



  1. wow, it always warms my heart to read about people doing things to change the world into a better place, thank you so much for sharing!

  2. What a FABULOUS idea!!! I don't think we have anything like this around here. Whoever thought of this is a genius! I have lots of toys In the basement that would go to a place like this.

  3. comments to my facebook

    Megan, is there a toy library in Glenfield?

    Megan Lee I think there is, but I'm not sure. xxxx

    Jenny Yau-Peng Chew there is always kids library around ann. in wellington too! u can borrow toys just like u borrow books!

    Ellen Hopes Ann you do a lot of great things!

    Mag Yaw Lee Chewchia Wow, that's cool, don't think we have that here in BC, Canada.
