Thursday, April 26, 2012

Firday Shoot out: Time

My Sister Rose gave Sam this Made-in-Switzerland cuckoo clock. It's cuckoo can be heard in the neighbourhood. Our friends kids like to come up to our house to see the cuckoo come out of it's house. They would count the times the bird cuckoo and feel very dejected if they came up too late. (We lived on the third floor)

We didn't bring it over to NZ, but took in over to Sarawak to give it to Nicol, Rose' grand daughter.

Still having problem, using an old post.

April 27: Time Town Clocks, Passing Time, Time Stands Still

link to Mr Linky at the Friday shoot out link below.


  1. when i was in Swizerland, I just admired those awesome cuckoo clock.

  2. It is wonderful, why dd you give it away?

  3. We were moving back to New Zealand, and didn't want to ship too much stuff.

  4. That's a very nice clock!
    Sorry Ann, can't really help you with your problem in uploading photos as I did not post mine directly. I used to have difficulty uploading mine this way long time ago and did a roundabout. I uploaded photos from my Picasa album in my pc to the online web album and just copy and paste the link. Blogger is using the same web album too.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Jama,

    Oh Dear, if I have to do Picasa, I think I will now post just one photo per post.


  7. "Information from this secure page will be submitted to a page that is not secure on" Ann if you are getting this message it more than likely the security settings on your browser. Try changing them.

  8. Ann I am having the same problem. I started having trouble months ago and found a way around to the pictures and now it has changed on me again. I think my memory is just getting too full. That is a darling clock. Too bad you had to leave it.
    So good to visit with you.

  9. Ann, Try windows live wr - I've been using it for 3 or 4 years and find writing the blog, downloading photos from my computer and editing from the blog's older post very easy. see my post -

    to see what I learned about the interaction of Blogger / picasa / live writer.

  10. now this week - swiss clocks are really great. we have on up here in Friburgo but I think that Camillo bought it in Italy not Switzerland. it has a manual wind so when we are gone it stops and when here he winds it up and it works without problem, I am sorry you couldn't take it with you, but giving it to someone who will love it is a nice thing to do.

    hugs from Brasil.

  11. my bad typing.... try windows live writer

  12. Beautiful old clock. I am sorry you are having trouble with posting. Blogspot seems to keep trying to make improvements and much of the time they just mess us up.

  13. Some of those cockoo clocks are amazing in themselves! My husband's grandmother had one. The kids loved it!

  14. As cute as they are, I like to look but not hear them. My mother-in-law was given one by her son on his return from Germany. Drove me crazy when we visited.

  15. Ann - it's the settings on your computer. They are set to very secure. There's absolutely nothing to worry about; it warns you about sites that are perfectly safe as well as dodgy ones.

    (You may be able to adjust it by going to Control Panel - Internet Options - Security and changing it from High to Medium/High. Or, on your browser - like Internet Explorer or whatever you use - go to Tools, Internet Options, Security and do the same thing.)

    Hope that helps.

  16. Your cuckoo clock reminded me of my Grandparents clock. It worked for years until one of the Grandchildren was held up to look at it, the cuckoo came out but the child was too quick and grabbed it. Poor cuckoo never sounded the same again, it developed a very nasty wheeze.

  17. Thank you all for suggesting how to solve my problem with blogger. It is fixed for now, after changing to Google Chrome. Keeping my fingers cross.

    However, Google chrome won't let me use Yahoo and Facebook, so I have to use two Browsers.

    Since, they revamp, it's no longer fun anymore,

  18. thanks for your comment on 'flowers'. I realized that my suggestion didn't have any relationship to your problem by the time I'd seen your question on three of four other blogs. I took the 'error' from your comments and searched google and found a blogger forum with others with the problem and the end result was security settings. I have Chrome / Explorer and explorer 64 bit AND firefox on my computer. Only Firefox will allow their security program to download... I just tried and could open facebook, yahoo and blogger with chrome. when I went to the newest Blogger version I had to go into the settings on 'flowers' and reset many of my settings for comments and archiving... seems like they could make their new versions read the old. anyway good luck on the issues. but don't give up. Okay?

  19. Terrific clock, Ann. So nice that you have been able to keep it in the family.

  20. Cuckoo clocks look nice but make an awful racket. this one is truly pretty. Nice one.

  21. Time is important..I still like an old watch which tells accurate time and has fluorescent hands to cheer me up at night...

    None of those high tech watches for me...
