Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Save the world: reducefootprints.

I am very honoured to be featured by this environmental blog. This is a very big blog with more than 800 followers. http://reducefootprints.blogspot.co.nz/2012/05/meet-greet-monday-mtagt_14.html


This Change the world meme was one of the earliest memes that I joined up when I started blogging. It is one that I can relate to with my Save the World. I found this blog 'Right up my alley' and if I am allowed to join just one meme, this is the meme I would choose. I tell my students and friends who are not familiar with the blogging world, a meme is like a club. We have become good friends.

Thank you for honoring me.

Hi Ann - just dropping by to let you know that your blog is the featured blog at this week's Meet & Greet! WhooHoo! :-) Thanks for all you do to educate the world and help us all appreciate the earth!

Our featured blog this week is ... My Walk with Food and Beautiful Plants and Flowers by Ann. Ann has several blogs and she talks about the environment in each one. In this particular blog, however, she focuses on food, plants and flowers. You'll find photos of nature along with stories about inspiring people. I found a unique photo of a tree being cut ... we usually say we're cutting down a tree but in this instance, the tree was cut "up". There's an interesting post on using banana peels for fertilizer and one on the Frangipani (did you know that it is called the grave yard flower in South East Asia). Ann shares photos of parks in New Zealand and waterways in Singapore. Every post is fascinating and usually unexpected ... for example, one post started out with pictures of red succulents and ended with a discussion about cervical cancer screenings. Can you guess the connection? With every post, Ann shares something of herself with us. The blog is personal, informative and entertaining. I encourage you to visit My Walk with Food and Beautiful Plants and Flowers.


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