Tuesday, May 29, 2012

my world tuesday/outdoor wed/save the world

 Broadcasting Standards Authority was carrying out a research regarding decisions they make and the way in which they communicate these decisions. The purpose of this research is to see where their decisions sit compared with public opinion. I was invited as a focus group. It was one of the most satisfying evening I had. All of us had the common beliefs, the BSA has allowed too many indecent, obscene and violent images be screened on our airwaves to our homes especially at in appropriate hours when children are watching.

One my way there, I saw this tree among many trees along Meola Road. Instead of chopping the trees down, the council had saved the trees by giving it a special trim.  

How good it will be if we can cut parts of "nasties" on TV just like the way the council had cut of parts of the trees.




  1. The group is doing a good thing! They cut the trees like this here, too. So unbecoming, but I guess better than to cut the tree down.

  2. I love what you said,
    "How good it will be if we can cut parts of "nasties" on TV just like the way the council had cut of parts of the trees."
    Well, they would have to cut down the trees here in Hurricane land if they did not take the branches away from the wires. Poor trees..
    good post!

  3. I agree about the nasties on TV. But it is a real shame what they can do with the trees for the power lines.

  4. It's better than killing the tree.
    Thanks for dropping by :)


  5. Those trees that have been sculpted to accommodate power lines amaze me. I see a lot of that here. Trees are very accepting of our strange ways!
