Friday, August 3, 2012

Alphabe-Thursday: Letter K: Kai Chung School.
 With Alumni Francis Chen and Moh Mee Sui, in the middle, Mr. Ting Pang Kheng.

 When I found out that Ting Pang Kheng is the principal of Kai Chung school,  I shared with some of the alumni this anecdote and was waiting to post this story. I was a young teacher doing what we call these days  a Gap year. I had finished high school and was waiting to go to a university in Canada.

The then principal, Mr Tang asked me to initiate the Geography Club. A few of the senior students, mainly boys came to the first inaugural meeting, and and we chose the committee. Pang Kheng was in the committee and I remembered suggesting that we could do a paper mache' model of the school. I knew the boys were capable and left them at that. The boys came wanting proper equipment, and I was half minded and told them to try their best.
 The next time I dropped in to see them, these boys had enthusiastically made the model. They made a beautiful model with the right proportions, The only problem was but they had made it so big that it was the size of a table tennis table.

Where are we going to put the model? I couldn't ask the boys to undo it and make a smaller one. I went to the principal. I was very grateful he said, he would make room for it in the library. I was so glad he was so accommodating. I wonder if it was that I was the daughter of the DEO, the Divisional Education Officer.
 Pang Kheng obviously is just as meticulous as an adult as when he was a teenager. Looking at the grounds and water lily ponds, some one had drained that swampy land and it looked manicured. The school area had grown and so has the student and staff population. Thank you for having us back.

 For more letter K, these words are in Malay. I do not know them, by I guess KOPERASI is derived from the word co-operation. Someone please correct me.


  1. Ann,
    It's always nice to walk down memory lane again.

  2. Wow, this is really an interesting post!

    So sad that the boys had to re-do their model. It would have been quite large if it was as big as a ping pong table!

    I found this really inKredible.

    Thank you for linking.

    My apologies for being so late in reading.

    I am catching up slowly but surely, though!

