Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh Death, where is the fairness?

More NZ troops, SAS could be sent to Afghanistan after deaths

Published: 5:48AM Monday August 20, 2012 Source: ONE News
New Zealand's Chief of Defence Force says more troops
could be sent to Afghanistan following the deaths of three
Kiwi soldiers over the weekend.
Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker, 26, Private Richard Harris, 21,
 and Corporal Luke Tamatea, 31, died when their Humvee was
hit by a bomb in Bamiyan Province at 9.20am (4.50pm NZT)
on Sunday.
Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant General Rhys Jones he is
 discussing sending more troops to protect those already in
Afghanistan with the Government.

When I woke up this morning, my heart was heavy. 3 more
mothers have joined my club, the club of bereaved mums.
I cried for these mums, their children had just been deployed
 for a week.

Recently, I told friends, I accept Andrew's death much easier
because Andrew was sick and had no quality of life and hence
no future. But for a mum to lose a healthy child, full of future,
that is a tragedy far more than mine.

In the 16 years I was in Singapore, I was asked by many foreign
 friends to take them to Kranji War Cemetery. Though many of
them had no relations with the  4,458 Commonwealth casualties 
of the Second World War buried or commemorated at Kranji War 
Cemetery. My dad  always wanted to go there because he himself 
was a victim of the war. One can feel the sombre atmosphere as one
 sees the miles and miles of markers. Some for victims as young as 19, 
and some have no names.

As for myself, it is personal. Like other bereaved mums, I feel the pain, 
the waste that those markers are there. For what, fighting in a land 
that wasn't even theirs?


  1. This post breaks my heart. Your loss, the loss endured by the loved ones of those three soldiers.

    Last month my daughter and I stopped at the Marine Corps museum in Virginia, USA, and saw a photo exhibit of the members of a platoon stationed there in 2009. So many said they joined because they had nothing else. Breaks my heart. I wish there was a worthwhile place to send these young men.

  2. a very moving post....war IS hell...
