Sunday, October 14, 2012

Our World Teusday/outdoor wed:memorial stones

Jeng Kallang's photos

My niece went to Korea and she saw these tiny stone monuments. I think I recognise what they are.

  • Ann Chin wonder if this is like the Japanese baby stones. Bereaved Mums like me make a stone baby 

    when  their babies have died. 
  • Jeng Kaleh we were told they stack them up and make wishes
 Perhaps they are what the Japanese have. Jizos. My friend went to Japan and saw these.

When parents lost a child, they put a stone cylinder shape and often dress bonnets and bibs.and children's clothes. Jizo is the protector of children, expectant mothers, firemen, and travellers.

He is the protector of deceased children, including miscarried, aborted or stillborn infants. In Japanese folklore, Jizo hides the children in his robes to protect them from demons and guide them to salvation.

to go in to apply for jobs. 

Anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby is invited to join an international ‘Wave of Light’ on Monday, 15th October, as part of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. The event encourages people all over the world to light a candle at around 7pm and leave it burning for at least one hour, either at home as a private moment of remembrance, or as part of a group or an event, to remember all the babies who have died during pregnancy, during labour or after birth. Wave of Light concludes Baby Loss Awareness Week, which takes place from 9th -15th October.

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