Sunday, December 9, 2012

Save the world/ photohunt: Macro Tiny dotterel

A spider web at Whitford beach.
Sorry, Gattina, this is not exactly Macro, but I really wanted to show you this bird. The endangered New Zealand dotterel/tūturiwhatu is found only in this country. It is very small and runs very fast. Together with it's colouring, it was very hard to photograph. It was once widespread and common but there are only about 1700 birds left. This serious decline in numbers is due to a combination of habitat loss, predation by introduced mammals and disturbance during breeding. Christine Maslowski gave us a tour of the area she helps to take care of. She sets traps to catch rats and stoats. Paki Paki!

1 comment:

  1. i've not heard of this bird so thanks for bringing this story to our attention. :)
