Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Alphabe-Thursday: Letter K for kindergarten
It is very formal in Singapore. When Sam graduated, he wore a full graduation regalia and a mortar board. They had a concert and a party.
He went to Jurong Christian Church Kindergarten and went by bus.
Myers Kindergarten in the city
Myers Park is a narrow park in central Auckland, New Zealand, running parallel to the upper part of Queen Street. It is characterised by steep, grassed slopes and canopied with a mixture of large exotic and native trees, including an alley of large palm trees. Benches and artwork (including a heritage marble copy of Michelangelo's sitting Moses statue) line the paths connecting to Queen Street, K Road, Grey's Avenue and Aotea Square. Running downhill from the northern slope of the Karangahape ridge, the park was formed in 1914 out of an overgrown gully facing towards the Waitemata Harbour.
It looks so strange to me to read Kindergarten, because it is German and means Children's garden. I went to Kindergarten too, but not so formal ! Nice pictures !