Thursday, January 3, 2013

FSO: January 4: Share Your Favorite Photos from 2012 -

Christine Maslowski had invited the water engineer to give his expert advice on some shoreline she and her friends were wanting to save. 

My favourite photo goes to Christine who is not only fighting to save the shoreline of Whitford. For the last 10 years she has been fighting to save New Zealand Natives birds by setting traps against rodents like rats and stoats.

Here she was "wading" among the tall grass to check her bait. The reeds and grass make you itchy, but this doesn't faze Christine.

 And protecting the area by gently reminding people not to take their dogs in the protected area. I would have shouting," Hey you, can't you read??" But she didn't.

January 4: Share Your Favorite Photos from 2012 - taken by you of course.

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