Monday, January 28, 2013

Save the world/our world from Hungary to New Zealand.

To save the world, in New Zealand, families and schools grow the Swan plant for butterflies.

Update: I connected Bela and Ellen, I am curious how he came to my Facebook.

For Bela and Ellen, may the fluttering of our Monarch butterfly sent you nice vibes as you renew your friendship

When I wrote my book, my main intention was to help help the bereaved and their friends. Little did I think that I would connect long lost pen pals of friends half way round the world.

Bela is from Hungary, and through some amazing series of events, she was looking for Ellen who goes to my church, and whose daughter Jennifer had gone to Camp America, and I did an interview of her.

How cool is this? I feel vindicated when I hear some one saying me that I dwell too much on Andrew and to go on with life.

Dear Ellen and Jennifer,

This is amazing. I am thrilled for you. I knew my post is to help people, and I helped connect you .



 Dear Ann!
I’m Béla Baji from Hungary. I was corresponding with a New Zealand girl when I was young. Her name was Ellen Koelet, and lived in Auckland. Our correspondence lasted for more, than ten years, and I learned much of your beautiful, and peaceful country. This correspondence was a great help for me, in learning English too. But the greatest experience was, when we discovered, that both of us are commited Christians.
As I’m getting closer to the age of sixty, the recollections of my young age are getting stronger. So I have had the thought for monthes of typing her name in the Google. Some days ago I did. You can emagine, my dismay and sorrow, when I found her on your homepage under the title: „Diary of a Bereaved Mother…”
I realised, that the story itself must have happened at least fifteen years ago, as she is just 2-3years younger than me.
I’m interested in a lot of things: Has she got other children? How, and where does she live now? How is her family, and church now? I would like to hear of your beatiful country again. What changes has happened there? What about the global warming, and environmental chrisis of the Globe? And so on.
I’m 58, live in the centre of the Great plain of the Carpatian Basin in Central Europe. I’m married, and have two sons Gedeon 24, Olivér 22. I met my wife in the Hungarian Methodist Churh, her name is Joli.
I’m an expert on plants, organic gardening, and especially on permaculture. I have growing an permaculture experimental site for twety six years near the town, I live in. The idea of permaculture came from Australia, and well known in New Zealand too, I think. We heve an informal permaculture association in Hungary. I’m often invited to give advices, design, presentations. 
I ask you, to forward this letter to Ellen, if you can, or give me her e-mail address, if she has, if not, her postal address.
My postal address is: Béla Baji, H-2766 Tápiószele, Pesti u 2. Hungary
My e-mail:
Best wishes: Béla Baj


  1. How wonderful that you helped them connect!

    You make ripples just like a butterfly's wing.

  2. A connection with an old friend is a treasure.

  3. You are such a special lady, Ann. This is one of those warm and fuzzy stories that really pulls at the old heartstrings. I am thrilled you were able to bring these two friends back together after so many years. My computer is finally up and running again, but I feel so out of the mainstream. I have missed all of my friends so much these past week. Do hope you are well. genie
