Monday, February 4, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday Letter Leather bag

I was quite upset my fairly new, hardly used leather hand bag got moudly. They tell me the high humidity in Auckland caused this.

A group was traveling overseas and one member left her bag in the hotel. Luckily it was still there when they got back for it. This reminds me I did the same thing.  I left my bum bag/ pouch in a New York Hotel,. We were in the car to the airport when I realised it. We had to turn back in the heavy traffic. When I saw it on top of a cupboard, I said, "Thank You God."and I meant it.


  1. Yikes on that moldy bag! Maybe you can find a way to clean it? Glad you retrieved your pouch though!

  2. Mold is the worst! It is hard to get rid of! Sorry about your bag but I am happy your pouch was waiting for you!

  3. aack! best of luck de-molding your bag. (i'd be furious!)

  4. We have the same problem in Sydney - the high humidity every summer means leather shoes, belts and handbags get an annual cleanout!!
    I've learnt to save moisture satchels and pop them in my shoe box and bag box and that has helped.
    My post
    was about love and loneliness this week.

  5. I didn't know leather could even mold.

    That would be incredibly frustrating.

    Would bleach do anything?

    I'm glad you found the other missing bag, though!

    Thanks for linking for the letter "L".


  6. Thanks for the information, also to know more on leather bags and shoes check out
