Saturday, May 11, 2013

FSO Grafitti

Once, I was parking my car and I met two handsome artists. They make a living doing Graffiti Art. They are sponsored by the building they do their art. Their art is beautiful.

Welcome to Friday My Town Shoot Out!
FMTSO is a group of online friends from around the world sharing photos of their communities.
The blog does not belong to one person in particular, it belongs to all of us.
Volunteers have kept it going since its inception in 2009.
Every week we have a new theme to shoot for.
Have fun, explore, enjoy and won't you join us?


  1. I think sponsored graffiti art is a good idea in some places. Probably stops some of the illicit graffiti too.

  2. What a great set for this week. Sponsored graffiti is becoming more and more popular here too.

  3. This was a hard theme for me. Living in a small town there is no graffiti. They paint over it before most folks can even see it, thank goodness.
