The CEO, Mark Powell of the Warehouse came to our church on Sunday. I was not there because I had a bad cold. The Warehouse is also known as the Big Red Shed and considered a discount store.
I like it that it has clearly marked disabled parking and parents parking. You pay 10cts for their plastic bags and the money is given to charity. Good on you. Warehouse.
When we first signalled our intention in late 2008 to introduce
a 10-cent charge on check-out bags we were met with some
scepticism in the media. Our customers’ purchases of 10-cent
bags have enabled us to distribute a sum of $432,000 to
around 68 community groups over the past year.
When compared to the 2008 baseline, our programme has
eliminated nearly 500 tonnes of plastic which would have
otherwise gone to landfills! This equates to an 82% reduction
a good example by a corporation to be environmentally friendly.