Thursday, June 13, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday Letter D for Deliberately, Dance, Dampen, Disappointment, Dolls

 The adventurers deliberately came from all over the world to Mulu Caves to watch bats dance.
Sam and me, Sam was not very happy, I was despondent and annoyed. We walked miles and miles to see millions of bats from flying out. The rains dampened our spirits and we were disappointed. Not one bat came out.

I first came across a set of Russian dolls at my very good friend Owlyn's house. When I saw this set in Sentosa Singapore, in a Tourist shop in Asian Village, I knew I must have it. There was only one set, and I was so pleased to have it.

Owlyn had been with me through thick and thin. She uplifted me during my most difficult times of my life. My mum and my son's death, both premature ones.

A matryoshka doll, a Babushka doll or a Russian nested doll, also called a stacking doll, is a set of dolls of decreasing sizes placed one inside the other

Much later, my Sudanese student sold me a set of Arabian dolls.

Glass Russian doll.



  1. Sorry you didn't get to see the bats...


  2. the dolls are so cute! It's fun to see them made from all different nationalities! {:-Deb

  3. I have not been to the caves, but must be interesting.

  4. I remember those dolls that decreased in size like that... the different styles are really neat!

    You have definitely dealt with a lot of difficult things in your life... You are an amazing person for not letting it dampen your spirit!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "D"!

