Sunday, June 30, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday Letter F for friends in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

I dedicate this post to the friends I made during my 16 years as a faculty wife with these ladies from all over the world. Though I left them for 6 years, they were as warm as ever and I went back to visit them last year. We had great times, and we worked for charities like separating a pair of Siamese Twins from Nepal, we raised funds to run a school for the deaf in Kenya.


1 comment:

  1. Friends that are forever are the best kind...

    It looks like it was fun seeing them all again!

    It sounds like you shared a lot of fascinating experiences together and those are the kinds of friendships that are never forgotten...

    Fabulous post for the letter "F"!

    Thanks for linking.

