Monday, July 1, 2013


This post is dedicated to all my girl friends I used to play softball with, Jasnah, Mary, Ivy and Rohani. 40 years ago we had an American teacher Miss Fries who taught us this game. First we played inter house, and then we made the school team.

I don't know why I was chosen except I was always available. There was one incident when I was kicked out of the game because I threw the bat after batting. I was so embarrassed of being sacked. I didn't look back to see where my bat landed.

It landed on the head of my girlfriend Jasnah. We were talking 40 years later, and she said it landed on her head and it was so painful.

Here you are Jasnah, I am glad we are still friends. A belated hard hat and cupcakes for you.


  1. Its a wonder we survived childhood without all the safety equipment kids have today! Its a good thing though to have safety rules and equipment - I'm all for protecting children.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. Good post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Enjoyed your story. Glad you are still friends.
