Thursday, January 16, 2014

Alphabe-Thursday letter I for Ivy

The Northern Club

This ivy cladded building is situated just off the Auckland University, and thirty years ago, I see it often as I go to my prefered location, the Albert park. The clock has turned around and my second daughter G is now a law student in the university. Law school is located nearer to this building. Sometimes I drop her off and I see this building which fascinates me. It is like a seasonal calender.

In Spring you see less dark green leaves, in Summer you see dark leaves, in Fall/Autumn, you see brown leaves and in Winter, you see the veins. The building becomes naked without the leaves.

The Northern Club, 19 Princes Street, Auckland, New Zealand
Telephone : +64-9-379-4755

search/label/Alphabe-Thursday. Jenny Matlock


  1. This is incredible! I don't think I have seen anything covered in ivy to this extent - very cool!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That building is truly fantastic! I'd love to see it during all the other seasons!

  4. Wow, that is a lot of ivy. Not sure I like that much. I've seen it on sides of walls, but covered completely like that and so squarish.... I'm just not lovin' it.

  5. that's nice that they haven't cut all the ivy off the building. Some "landlords" would. Neat about the seasons! {:-Deb

  6. That is an interesting building and changing in the seasons is a bonus.

  7. I love the way you talk about the different look of the building at different times of the year -it looks great in green!
    Wren x

  8. This is unbelievably wonderful! Wow! I am stunned by the incredible way this covers! Great post! Enjoy your week!

  9. I've always been intrigued with the way ivy grows up walls...

    This is such an incredible idea to have it cover the entire building!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "I".

