Thursday, May 22, 2014

FSO: Celebrations

 alpaca conference

 prizes for alpaca winning.

 Thai Sonkram festival.

  my pastor popping pop corn

Town Fairs and Celebrations [Friday My Town Shoot Out] [Link-up]

Every town has some sort of celebration that it conducts in the open for everyone to attend. And that's exactly the theme for this Friday's link up. Weather it's a street our county fair, or a celebration of a holiday in the open. Share with us fairs and celebrations in your town or city!


  1. An alpaca conference - that would be a first for me!

  2. They look like lots of fun. Never heard of an alpaca conference before.

  3. I wonder if they will ever hold the alpaca conference up north? That would be well worth a visit. Enjoyed your post.
