Friday, June 27, 2014

FSO:Open Theme Friday:

Photo: .
Soft sand
I wanted a sand pit in urban Singapore. I got the husband to carry sacks of beautiful pristine white soft sand up three storeys to our balcony.  When I saw him carrying these sacks, I realised what a soft heart he had for his son. I told him, there was enough sand.

I was afraid, the sacks would break his back. Not a job for a uni professor.

I wanted a sand pit in urban Singapore. I got the husband to carry sacks of beautiful pristine white soft sand up three storeys to our balcony. When I saw him carrying these sacks, I realised what a soft heart he had for his son. I told him, there was enough sand.

I was afraid, the sacks would break his back. Not a job for a uni professor.

Open Theme Friday [Friday My Town Shoot Out]


  1. What a caring husband and father your man is! Have a great weekend. Jo

  2. I can imagine that must be very heavy indeed. But great fun for the kids :)
