Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ABC Wed letter G

This is the year of the goat according to the Chinese Zodiac, and it is Chinese New Year.

About 100 years ago, in 1907, my great grand dad left the village Guang Ning, near to Guangzhou city for Sibu, Sarawak.

In 1978, I left Sibu for Auckland.

In 1989, Guangzhou became a twin city of Auckland. I was very pleased and proud. I have not been to GuangZhou or China, but to be part of this twinning gave me a great sense of pride.

In 1999, the people of Guangzhou presented this statue of five rams to the people of their sister city. When I see it when I visit Myers Park, my chest swells with pride. It makes me want to visit Guangzhou.

Some of my adult ESOL students from Guangzhou ask, "You never been back? You should!"

May be I will, in the near future. The Water Engineer was in Guangzhou and he saw the same statue.

Guangzhou is the Hangyu pingyin or Mandarin name for what was Canton.

The Chinese prefer pork, the meat of the pig, instead of of the meat of the goat. (I play this word pig for letter G)


  1. Thank you for participating by posting something Good to eat! I have never eaten goat, but pork ribs are delicious! :-)

  2. Happy Lunar New Year!

    I prefer the taste of pig over goat, too.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  3. Happy New Year, Ann! thanks for your post.
    Thanks for your comment . We all hope Greece will stay in the European Community.
    Happy weekend.
    Wil, ABCW.


  4. Hello Ann,
    Happy New Year, may yours be prosperous and happy.
    I've never eaten goat, not wittingly, but I love pork in all forms, particularly a roasted shoulder with a sage and onion stuffing and yummy crispy crackling.
    My husband has just brought in some pork chops (which he loves), and some bacon ribs to make rib n lentils soup with herby dumplings, (which I love).
    best wishes,
    ABCW team.
