Monday, August 24, 2015

ABC wednesday Letter G for good sorts

 People donate their recipes and the recipe books are sold to raise money for the building and running of a school in Northern Thailand.

 Volunteers go to a neighbouring school and help spruce up the compound and building.

My Nepalese friend Prinka's effort to help earthquake torn Nepal.
Someone cooks a meal for four, someone bid for it in a silent auction. The proceeds goes to the school in Northern Thailand.

 In New Zealand, we have a Television show "Good sorts" where people who do special things are acknowledged. These photos show people from my church deserved to be acknowledged as "Good Sorts."


  1. Nice post, one can never do 'good' enough

    Have a nice day

    Melody (abc-w-team)

  2. A few times, my daughters' schools had parents submit recipes and the parent group had them all bound into recipe books. They sold them so they could purchase extra supplies for the school.

    abcw team
