Sunday, August 2, 2015

Yellow: Jackfruit

Jackfruit tree at the compound of the Malaysian Railway station in Paloh. In most places, I see the grower "saronging" or wrapping the fruit with a sack to prevent insects from attacking the fruits.

Another reason for "saronging" the fruit is to tell people that the tree is mine, not everyone's. It seems in the old days, especially if you grow your fruit tree on public land, everyone is allowed to harvest the fruit.

I do not eat this fruit. It has a very strong aroma and it makes me dizzy.


  1. I've never seen or even heard of such a fruit. They certainly don't grow where I live.

  2. I'd love to try a fresh one. I only get them canned here.

  3. I love jackfruit. We had a jackfruit tree next to our terrace when I was growing up. It was planted when I was a child and I cannot remember seeing it have fruit.

  4. I have never heard of jackfruit. I wonder why it would make your dizzy? Have a happy week ahead!

  5. There is an exotic fruit farm in Fort Myers (Florida) that grows this fruit, among other exotic (to us) fruits and vegetables. We saw one there that was huge....we don't know what to do with it, so didn't buy one.
