Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ann Bio/book CV 2018


Ann Kit Suet Chin-Chan.

Ann Kit Suet Chin is a New Zealand Chinese writer. She was born in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. She attended Methodist Primary and Secondary School in Sibu. She graduated from Windsor University in Canada, Auckland University and Auckland University of Technology.

Ann is the fourth child of the late John Chan Hiu Fei and Mary Kong Wah Kiew. She is married to Chin Chen Onn, PhD. She has three surviving children, Deborah, Gabrielle and Sam. Her third child, Andrew died when he was a baby and is the inspiration of her first book.

作者 陈洁雪



Diary of a Bereaved Mother
ISBN 9780473187095 

This is a real life story of losing one's only son. This experience has made the author strong and caring. This tragedy has been a great help for her to help understand other bereaved people. The author is very brave to write this book. It has not been easy and she aims to touch,...

featured in the Aucklander.

I appeared in Television 1 Down Under program. It's ok to cry http://tvnz.co.nz/asia-downunder/s2011-e31-video-4453514 On baby bereavement.
I spoke in the Baptist Women's Annual Convention, North Island Chapter.
My book was exhibited  at the Peacock 
Art Gallery, Upton Country, Dorset, Park England.

I  presented a workshop on Asian Infant Bereavement at the Sands National conference for Sands families and medical personnels for 200 attendees in September 2013

Used as a reference book for NICU staff at the University Hospital, Toronto. 

Dr Simon Rowley is a consultant at Starship Children's Hospital who's been given a copy of the book.
"It is a good reminder to all health professionals that when our patients leave us, the story does not end for the parents. The detail is amazing, and every little thought and action seems to have been recorded as it happened, and then has been reflected upon.
"For parents undergoing similar experiences this book could be a great comfort. For health professionals, I would see it as essential reading."


海外华人的中国魂: 从中国,到南洋,到更

By Chin-Chan, Ann Kit Suet
ISBN 9780473239008  English
ISBN 9780473309626  Chinese


This is a hundred-year-old journal of two families, the Chans and the Kongs. It traces the first movement in 1907 from Kwang Zhou, China to the jungles of Borneo. It is a six-generational record with the second wave of movement to England, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Australia, USA ...

This book records with humor the life of a busy and active family through World War II, the formation of Malaysia and Confrontation. It is a personal reflection of a way of life that has moved on and provides insight into a family and its relationships. It is most of all a work of love and respect for the Chan and Kong families and for Father and Mother.

M M Ann Armstrong

Lodge International School

She explained the people in Sarawak, especially among the Chinese community, could relate to the book as it traces their roots and identities.
“From China to Borneo and Beyond kindled a lot of interests in the state. I am very happy to hear a publisher is going to print a Chinese version of it.”
From China To Borneo and Beyond was her second autobiography book, which is a hundred year old journal of two Families, the Chans and the Kongs. The book contains records of historical events and current affairs endured by her family from 1907 to 2006 such as the Opium war, virgin tropical jungle, the Japanese World War, colonial days, revelation and fighting with the communists.


This book is about the embodiment of the darker side of today's society.
ISBN  978047325414-8 

Paperback and eBook: Kindle, Draft2print


a fiction novel – Mail Order Bride. The story, set in Auckland, New Zealand, touches on social issues such as teenage pregnancies, drugs, paedophile and the like. The book took two months to finish.

Her third book, Mail Order Bride is the first fiction piece from Ann. She said that the book targets an audience of young adults and that it appeals readers interested in social issues and ills that young adults have to face.


  By Chin-Chan, Ann Kit Suet

Paper back and eBook, Kindle and Draft2print

Women suffers from oppression. This story traces the life of Nadine who overcomes her own problems of oppression, grows up to be a social worker and helps women who have suffered from physical and mental violence, domestic violence, rape, pornography, swinging, sex slavery, human ...

Interest Age
All ages

Judy Lawson, Counsellor
A book I would use in my work as a reference. 

World War II in Borneo, Tales of my Grandpa
ISBN:9780473339005 (Pbk)

It is seventy years after the end of the World War II, or the Japanese occupation in Borneo. Captain Cheng aka Captain Fong and his Canadian soldiers are remembered in their role of leading the surrender of the Japanese.

I've been reading your book World War Two in Borneo: Tales of my Grandpa.  I was a bit hesitant to start it, since it is combined fiction and fact and I didn't want to get the history mixed up in my mind.  However,  I'm finding it very compelling to read.  

Canadian documentary maker, Keith Lock.

Paper back and eBook, Kindle and Draft2print

Traces the lives of 2 girls. The poor girl is sold to the rich girl as a slave aka mui zai to serve her for ever. Different Chinese Tradition are explained, and tragedy brings them to the South Seas. The Japanese invasion, the slave protects her mistress and is sent to a brothel as a comfort women.



Wannabe Socialite
Paper back and eBook, Kindle and Draft2print

Based in Malaya and Singapore from the 60s.

The world is full of big bad wolves for a young girl growing in a small sheltered town. From one small wrong step, trouble snowballs into bigger and bigger trouble. She sinks into the murky seedy underworld. She becomes a kept woman. She finds there is no way out, she commits suicide.

The Playgroup Club: ISBN 978 0 473 37871 4

Paper back and eBook, Kindle and Draft2print
A group  of stay at home meet and socialize and do constructive work.
This book will resonate in women who went to Playgroup with their children and grandchildren. They stay at home, but socialize and jell together for various issues.

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An excellent read and handbook to a stay-home mum like me who had a successful career as a lawyer and now enjoying my baby.  Katherine Bruggy.

Two Asian Stories. ISBN 978 0 473 40269 3

Revised  and amalgamated version of One Roof, two lives and Wannabe Socialite. The writer writes on Social injustice through the century.

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  Growing up in Borneo  9780473436414. 
Titles locally authored (or from Australia/the Pacific region) are of special interest to our Public Libraries and Schools

A non-fiction on the same genre of From China to Borneo to Beyond, follows the second generation of the Cantonese People who left China for Borneo.



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