Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Friday Shoot out: Your town, My City, Auckland New Zealand

This is an old hotel in Devonport. You can either drive across the Auckland Harbour Bridge or take a Fuller Ferry. Of course, if you have your boat, you can sail to the jetty.

We are into recycling in a big way. Our students have to take back what ever is left over from their lunch. We have a Green Party in Parliament.

Auckland is the Polynesian Capital of the world. Every year, we celebrate the festival of Pasifika where Samoans, Tonga, Cook Islanders, Fijians, Maoris and so on share their culture with the rest of Auckland. This year, I was at the Maori village to help in their zero waste program to educate recycling.

Within the city, you enjoy the tranquility of Western Springs lake. You will enjoy feeding swans, ducks, geese, chickens, eels and Pukekos.

The Maoris were the first people who came to New Zealand. This Waka or boat is still at Orakei marae. The Maoris came across the ocean from Cook Islands. This is an incredibly big boat, it carried 180 strong men. 60 on each side, and 60 men rested in the middle. My friend Ngarimu told me that it took a crane to take it up the hill.

The Pohutukawa tree blossoms in December giving a red hue across the landscape. This native tree is passionately known as the New Zealand Christmas tree. This monument is a man made light bulbs. You see it when you enter the city from the motorways.

You can see the Orakei marae from Bastion Point. Can you see that triangle structure. That's the marae, a Maori meetimg house. I have been privileged to have a sleep over last Waitangi Day.

Auckland Harbour bridge is an eight-lane box truss motorway bridge over the Waitemata Harbour. Part of the lanes can be moved to allow the cars to travel depending on the flow of the traffic. They have a special machine that pushes the dividers. It was the only roading that people had to pay toll. This was abolished. She is fifty years old.
You can pay to walk on top of the bridge, or bungy jump from under the cars. My second daughter did just taht at fifteen, and I was the crazy mum to see her jump. It was quite scary as the bridge moved and the winds howled.
On Sunday, 24 May 2009, thousands of people, including many families, crossed the bridge as a part of a protest that there is no cycle and walking lanes. The police couldn't do anything but step aside to let these thousands of people walk on the bridge.

Auckland, the City of sails. You can see why. They start their kids early. My school has a water wise lessons, and we are a primary school.

The weather is quite mild. You just make sure you wear warm. Even at 8 degrees, the water engineer still took us to the beach. Brrrrrrr!!!! Some people say that there are four seasons in a day in Auckland. I tell my guests that they have to take something warm in summer. The weather is that changeable. This photo was at the waterfront where we went to see the ships and boats. This must have been in summer because you can see we were wearing summer dresses. But we were also wear winter parkas. The wind at the beach is very strong.
In 1995, when Team New Zealand wrested the America's Cup away from the San Diego Yacht Club. You can see that winning yacht at the Viaduct.

Our flora and fauna are beautiful Throughout the year, you can enjoy flowers. Our native plants tend to be evergreen.

Albert Park is in the mid of the city. This is a beautiful place to enjoy and relax, especially for the Auckland University students to unwind after a hard lecture or exam. LOL. I love this place and spent most of my lunch hours when I was a student.  Photo shows Sam when he was three. I had posted this photo before, I like the fountain very much, and I love the little boy. He looked so cute.

This shows a contrast of city and "farm" Can you see the cow against the backdrop of the Sky City Tower? This photo was taken at Mt Eden extinct volcano. The city council rents out the park to farmers. There are cows and sheep. The animals  "mow" the volcanic crater. Children and tourists are amazed to see these animals in the middle of the city.

This is Auckland University. I am very proud of this Old Arts Building. But at that time, when I had my lectures and exams there, I had different sentiments, it was freezing cold in winter as it is like an old castle.
This week Challenge, showing off your city.
Haere mai or welcome to Auckland. Auckland City is the most populous city in New Zealand with a population of 1,319,352.  Auckland is known as the city of sails, as we have more boats than any other city per capital and the title is gained from the view of yachts seen against the cityscape. Nestled within and isthmus of two oceans, the Pacific Ocean and Tasman Sea, Auckland contains much serene natural beauty. Our weather is mild and we enjoy outdoor sports all year round.
I hope I have challenged you enough to come and visit Auckland. In this blog and my other blog, I have posted numerous photos and commentaries. Please go on them if you are interested.
As New Zealand is so small with just 4 million people, this could be a city to many of you. May I entice you to come to New Zealand which had just been rated as the most peaceful country in the world.


  1. What an informative and interesting post and such lovely pictures.

  2. a nice tour! thanks for sharing these images!

  3. I must look out for the Pohutakawa flower monument next time I am in Auckland.
    Nice pictures of your city.

  4. The Pohutukawa tree is amazing!

  5. I love them all but that little boy in fron of the fountain is priceless Ann. Thank you for such a beautiful tour of Aukland and it's history. What a beautiful place you live in :)
    Have a weekend filled with love, joy and laughter and.......

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  6. what an awesome post!! you are so creative with the story of your town and the photos. a very beautiful place indeed.

  7. You live in such a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing a bit about it...

  8. I love learning of your town. The pictures are very nice.

  9. I love learning of your town. The pictures are very nice.

  10. Oh, I love all your photos. What a wonderful tour around your part of the world.

    You covered so many things and I love the commentary you added.

    And your country is now the most peaceful place to live now? That is great.

    Did I tell you that our new sailing instructor was hired to come here from New Zealand to teach our six week sailing school? I took her photo today for a story the paper is doing on her. I will send you the newspaper link when it comes out.

    Thanks for all the beautiful photos. One day, I may get to New Zealand. You make it sound better each time I come here.

  11. Wonderful and informative post!Fun to see so many images of the land and people.
    I thought the first New Zealand people were the Waitaha. Is there still debate over this?

  12. It really looks beautiful, thanks for sharing the beauty of your city.

    Regarding Janet Frame: actually, her autobiography WAS made into a movie by the great director Jane Campion. You can check it out, it's called "An angel at my table" and it's extraordinary.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Waitaha is an early historical Māori iwi. Inhabitants of the South Island of New Zealand, they were largely absorbed via marriage and conquest first by the Kāti Mamoe and then Ngāi Tahu from the 1500s onward.

    Today those of Waitaha descent are represented by the Ngāi Tahu iwi[1].

    Another iwi known as Waitaha lived in the Horowhenua area of the lower North Island.Contents [hide]

    "Nation of Waitaha"

    In 1995 a book by Barry Brailsford, Song of Waitaha: The Histories of a Nation, claimed that the ancestors of the "Nation of Waitaha" were the first inhabitants of New Zealand, a pale-skinned people who had sailed there from Easter Island more than 2000 years before Polynesians arrived. It was claimed the "secret" Waitaha story had been suppressed for 200 years and the evidence of their occupation and existence, such as stone structures, had been mistaken for natural formations or Maori artifacts.

    Although a series of further books, web sites and New Age events have been based around these claims, they have been widely dismissed as inaccurate by conventional scholars. Historian Michael King noted: "There was not a skerrick of evidence – linguistic, artifactual, genetic; no datable carbon or pollen remains, nothing – that the story had any basis in fact. Which would make Waitaha the first people on earth to live in a country for several millennia and leave no trace of their occupation."[1]
    Hi Tammie,

    Thanks for bringing this out. The Maoris are officially regarded as the first people.

  16. I really enjoyed my visit to Auckland! I almost feel like I've been there!

  17. I have to apologize- I had the wrong address on the list of shoot-out participants. Not that that kept people from seeing your blog - NO IT KEPT me from seeing your blog. now I am corrected and will be by often.

  18. I've been to Auckland years ago, perhaps it's time to make another visit there. Love the beautiful lakes and scenery there.
