Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sunday stills the next challenge: Fences

Fences are not my favourite things. In many areas of Auckland, houses do not have fences. I am passionate about this that I did two posts on fences previously.

Once upon a time,
There were no fences and no gates.
Neighbours popped in and out,
Children came and went.

Then came a time,
When people wanted privacy,
Neighbours respected that.
Children no longer felt welcomed.

Instead of bridges,
People built fences.
No matter how beautiful they look.
They are still cold hard things.

I am glad I live in a neighbourhood,
Where fences are few and far between.
My neighbour's kid drop in to play.
My son feels equally at home in my neighbour's house.

In this post, I have photographed fences made of unusual materials. The bamboo fence is made up of cut bamboo strips held together by string. The woven thing pieces of timber makes me think of a basket, and the grass fence looks like some sort of reeds.


  1. Very nice, and a poem to go with it KUDDOS to you..:-)

  2. Well said Ann! Very nice post and poem too! Cool! :D

  3. Hi Ann, I feel the same way, when there are fences, children felt they are not welcome. With the changing world and the changing times, a lot of people need their privacy. A lovely poem indeed.

  4. i can feel your pashion ann, very well done :)
    p.s you found lots of different fences! :)

  5. What unusual types of fences - very nice!

    I have a friendly fence around my front yard - keeps the kids off the street and the chickens from leaving presents on my front porch. (Which would actually keep folks from wanting to visit, don't you think ;D )

  6. These are all three so unique and interesting. Great captures!


  7. Oh. And I do like my fences. They keep my animals safely inside from being hit by a car or getting lost and from annoying the neighbors. And from keeping dangerous stray dogs and predators from attacking and injuring my animals and children.


  8. All natural materials: I love these fences.

  9. Interesting fences, not something you'd see in my country. Nice poem too.

  10. Very interesting fences you have down there!
    (I'm with you, on the fence issue, especially in a town or city)

  11. Nice..and each a story. They can be captivating but I know what you I mention, generally I leave them out. Cheers-

  12. These are indeed the loveliest of materials for fences. The poem is wonderful!

    I feel the same, but over the years I have admittedly been a fence builder. Not so much to keep people out, but my animals in, and also predators of the animals out.

    In my rural area fences have disturbed the ecology. Livestock have been forced to eat the native grasses until there are no roots left, instead of moving on as they would naturally do without fences. Awakened ranchers rotate their animals through multiple pastures, but unfortunately most do not.

  13. Thank you to all of you who have showed the neccesity of fences in farms. I wasn't thinking outside the square of urban housing.

    New Zealand is a land of farms, and I have seen many fences of all sorts.

    Yesterday, I was up Mt Eden, where there was a fence where our water reservior was to protect the grass. In another area, a sign to warn people to keep away from the crater did not work. Peope were still going into the crater. May be they needed to erect a fence.

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