Macro Monday for 9-7-09 Ed proposed Macro photos, I have not attempted taking these photos. At the same time, my daughter D suggested I take them. I started experimenting, and wasn't very successful.
Bird of Paradise was quite satisfactory.
This flower I took looked like a giant aloe. Sorry I don't know it's name. I will post more photos showing the entire plant.
Update: 14 sept: I found the name, it is Beschorneria yuccoides or a false Mexician Yucca. and
It is so satisfying solving this.
beautiful, you should deffinietly keep macro-ing :)
ReplyDeleteI agree, with Chloe, very nice..:-)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful shot.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful bud. Nice job. I'd like to see more of this flower. :)
ReplyDeleteNice! In it's current form it reminds me of lipsticks.
ReplyDeleteGood capture.
Lisa is right, looks like lipsticks! If you find out its name, let us know, it's lovely!
ReplyDeleteThat is so beautiful! Great job!
ReplyDeleteVery different did great! :)