Wednesday, June 23, 2010

FRiday Shoot out: Water

This is Sarawak in Borneo, where I was born. There are 144 inches of rain fall a year. Every afternoon, it was bound to rain, and we were on alert at around 3 pm, we had to watch the skies. We had to be quick as a flash to collect our laundry, because when it rains, it buckets. At the end of the year. we always have floods when the North east Monsoon blows. As kids, we loved swimming, paddling and just waddling in the meter high flood.

Rejang river is 350 miles long, and big ships come up 90 miles to my town of birth, Sibu.

Having married to a water engineer for more than 30 years, it is inevitable that part of his water knowledge is passed on to me.
The river traffic  has increased, and the banks get eroded. Once, near my maternal grand father's village house, two of those aeroplane looking like boats had a head on collision. Many drowned.
I am passionate about erosion and the dam's effects on the environment. How do we draw a balance?
Look at Rejang River, all 350 miles of it.  I am told by an expert that life has changed a lot since I was there. There is a need for dredging.

In New Zealand, especially here in Auckland, we have plenty of water. I love this place Western Springs. Here ducks, geese, swans and other water fowls thrive.

This waterfall is New Zealand's most visited natural attraction. The roaring sound of the fall sounds like thunder. This holds much fascination for water engineer who as an a water engineer, has been charmed to take so many photos. As for me who had been to the Niagara Falls, this is like a mole hill compared to a mountain. Lake Taupo is big to the Singaporeans as the whole of Singapore Island can fit into this lake.

The reverse is in Singapore. For decades, Singapore has to import water of her water consumption from Malaysia. As of 2009, imported water had been reduced to 40% of total consumption. There is a dispute regarding the price of water. The government of Singapore decided to increase self-sufficiency in its water supply.

It is not Evian. But Singaporeons are very proud of NEWater. When it was introduced, the then Prime Minister Mr. Goh drank it in front of TV to show his support. NEWater is reclaimed water produced by Singapore's Public Utilities Board. It is treated wastewater (sewage) that has been purified using dual-membrane (via microfiltration and reverse osmosis) and ultraviolet technologies, in addition to conventional water treatment processes. The water is potable and is consumed by humans, but is mostly used for industry requiring high purity water. When they gave out free bottles to the school children, my son brought it for me, I refused to drink it. My son to date doesn't drink any water that comes in a plastic bottle. I told my friend, it was time I left, I do not want to drink shit water.

Today, Singapore has 14 reservoirs and a network of stormwater collection ponds that help prevent flooding during heavy rains. The photos show Selatar Reservoir. It is by the Zoo.
The shoot out this Friday is Water / Lakes / Streams - by Nicole Howard (Father's day - June 20 what did you do for DAD?)
New Zealand celebrated Father's day in September.


  1. Nice photo esp those at wharf, pulau Babi sibu. Rajang river is nothing when compare to those in New Zealand in it environment aspect.

  2. Wonderful photos and lots of information too x

  3. The new water has been pumped into our reservoir, which in turn goes into our homes via pipes. So the reality is, we're drinking/using the shit-water whether we like it or not! lol

  4. your posts are always so fantastic Ann. the photos are awesome, especially of the water fall, and I learn something also. married to a water engineer - great! perfect for this topic.

    also, I did not see an email for you. would you like to be the guest interview for August? (FMTSO in the limelight) email me please.

  5. most of the the Singaporens are quite careful with their water.i recalled one experience while i was washing my face inside the hotel's lobby toilet.i l left the tap on while washing my face and this fella who happens to come into the toilet and said to me,"helu brother,don't waste water!" he was damn right but he said it in a loud tone which i don't appreciate at all(fuck him !),..but anyway i replied politely and said solly about that.
    btw,Ann my contact is

  6. I always enjoy your story as much as the photos, the water in the water falls is so blue - no erosion happening above the falls.
    We drink bottled water here in Cond. Stucky - the water resevor is not trust worthy.... there are horses and cattle grazing along our water supply. SO we drink bottled. only when I cook or boil the water for coffee or tea do I use from the tap. interesting topic - how we will get water to drink in the future.

  7. Wow hon...what a wonderful shootout...the pictures are wonderful and facinating...and the story and! Loved the whole thing!!

  8. i appreciate all your visits to my ewok blog.

    i hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  9. *Bow* to the water guru... have a blessed weekend!

  10. Very insightful! It is very sad how the third world treats the environment. I was just lucky that in my childhood days, the seashore to which we lived in close proximity was taken cared of by the community and therefore it was clean. To the rivers, yes, my country too suffered too much erosion due to land denudation caused by illegal loggers.

    I'd been to Taupo and certainly was privileged to see the Huka Falls and the Waikato River. I was amazed at the sanctification people there have for the nature, the environment, and Ecology. It was just fantastic!

    As to water? Well, we used to drink water from a cold deep well back home. It was as fresh as a morning dew.

    Great post Ann. I thoroughly enjoy the reading.

  11. So many interesting facts! Love all of the photos, especially the falls.
    We used to live next to the San Lorenzo River in CA, and I was amazed at the power of the water after a good rain.

  12. Very beautiful and interesting post Ann. Michigan has many lakes too almost every 10 miles you can find lakes man-made or not.Happy weekend!

    FSO~The pond

  13. We have a lot of water, but that's not drinking water. We have good wastewater sewage treatment plants. So, Ann we all drink "shit"water here and it tastes good. It is the idea that it comes from sewerwater that puts most peole off.But when I lived in Indonesia in the concentration camp, sharing a house with 30 others, we had only water for one hour coming from a dripping tap. We had to drink it and even didn't think of it being unclean.

  14. Beautiful images of so many various water spots.

  15. Thanks for your concern, by my housing estate did not suffer flash flood, the nearest is the Thompson Road area. Thank God it was for a short while only. Lots of car were stranded in that flash flood.

  16. Amazing, i like the photo of a banca or wooden boat. And the aerial view of the body of water is the best!

    The water well have its covered btw.

  17. Ann, I really enjoyed all of your photos. I think my favorite is the huka falls. There is just something so powerful and strong within the white water.
