Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday: Kids playing soccer

Soccer fever is bursting in New Zealand. We had the historical goals against Slovenia and Italy and drew with these soccer greats.

Many years ago, my little boy used to practise every Saturday. He had fun with his friends coached by an Italian friend.


  1. the boys must be having fun!

    ...come and check out my Outdoor Wednesday if you find the time!

    have a beautiful day!


    P.S. now following, won't you follow me back? :) (hugs)

  2. hi Ann,
    visiting you here.. nice pictures of your boys..
    btw, Ann, are u interested in writing a paid post? contact me if u want to.. thanks!

  3. Football ??? Never heard of this game, hahaha !
    There is nothing else on TV I have to zap for hours to find something to watch !

  4. Hi Ann. Love the soccer picture! Thanks for coming by my place and visiting. To answer your question. No, we won't be taking over the farm. My husband has been working in computers for 38 years. He just loves to go out and help his dad with harvest. Debbie

  5. All three of my children used to love soccer when they were small. Two even played on school teams. Its a great game.

  6. My son played soccer for a year when he was little. He had a blast. I'll bet your boys do too.

  7. Dear Ann
    I always believe that when fathers teach their sons to play football they are passing on a tradition of fair play and physical alertness besides discipline and game rules. How many fathers have failed that?

    Teachers on the other hand get blamed when kids do not turn out well...That's obviously our lot in Malaysia!!

  8. Great picture, Ann. My little likes soccer too.
    Thank you for dropping by.

  9. Soccer is a favorite sport in the Philippines,too!

    Kids like this kind of sport!

  10. My son is scared of soccer because he's afraid of the ball hitting right at his face. He prefers basketball and his uncles (my brothers) always tease him how basketball is so much more vicious than soccer.

  11. Good luck with Paraguay tonight!

  12. I dare not talk about soccer. I am so ashamed of the French soccer team :-)))

    No, Ann, little children are not given any wine, that is a legend. But if you read philosopher Locke's Journal, which I have translated into French, you will learn that in the 17th century, babies were given a bath in wine to make them stronger (a custom that was abandoned long ago, fortunately enough!).

  13. Sorry NZ didn't advance, at least I don't think they did. I am not following all that closely although i am paying some attention.

  14. My son loves to play football too. He'll play it every evening, without fail. Good exercise.
