Monday, July 11, 2011

My World Tuesday/Outdoor Wednesday:Queen Street

You click to enlarge, you see the block that says "Theatre center", my boss owned 50% of the theatres and cinemas of NZ, I used to get free movies. 246 building, you see that red banner with S? That was where I worked.

Those of you in Canada and LA,

Did you go to see Kate and William?

When His parents, Charles and Princess Di came to Auckland, they drove along Queen Street, the main Street where I worked. The girls asked the boss, may we go for 5 min?

He said, OK ,just 5 mins, once the motorcade passes, you come back.

Nobody cared, we said the 2 elevators were too full to take all of us. we just hung around with all the rest of the fans, old ladies,old men, mums with babies.

The ring leader said, just tell the boss, we had to wait for the elevator. Then nobody wanted to be the first to enter the elevators when they came down waiting for us to enter.

The boss stood at the lobby, and TSK! TSK!

Oh dear, I told you Judy, story I was going to post. LOL, I don't have a photo of either Kate or Diane, what am I going to use? I will show you Queen Street. The Street named after the Queen.

What about Christmas in July? New Zealand is Down Under. We are having winter right now while most of you are basking in the sun. Some New Zealanders celebrate Christmas in July, to get that cold Christmasy feeling.

Of course, these photos are not taken in July, they are my archives photos.

You can almost see the 7 story building I worked. It was known as 246, unfortunately the boss went broke, thanks to girls who took advantage of every parade that walked up the Queen Street. ( hehehe) If our National sports team won any World series game, they paraded showing off their shield, we went down.

I have my other story about the Royal wedding of Princess Di. I might have told some of you. That was so long ago, 31 year????


  1. I rememeber seeing the big Santa in Auckland when I was there before Christmas time.

  2. I didn’t see the young royal couple when they came to Canada, except on television. They made a wonderful pair and I hope all goes well for them. I am reminded of princess Diana when I see her son and hope his marriage works out the way his mom would have wished. :)

  3. Nice memories of the royal visit!

  4. I enjoyed your memories and shots.

  5. The story of your memories was wonderful...every single word of it. Your boss must have been a very rich man. Am glad he let you go to see Princess Di. Thanks for hitting the archives and sharing these special photos with all of us. Genie

  6. A funny story!!!! I cannot believe the wedding was 31 years ago!!!!! But I guess William is almost that old?

  7. I wasn't tuned in to the Kate and William thing. But I did see the wedding that I recorded.

  8. Nice story! You asked if history would have been different if Abel Tasman had remained in New Zealand. Absolutely, but not better.

  9. I never been to NZ as yet.. wishing and hoping to go one day.. :)

  10. funny, i posted my workplace this week too

    we love NZ, I lived there for a year and have visited many times

  11. I'm not much into the royalty thing, but a few weeks ago I met the royal couple in Bucharest. Of course, they no longer rule, but they do live in a little palace and are still patrons for project of national interest.

  12. Thanks for sharing your story. I live in Canada but I didn't get to see the royal couple in person as they didn't come to the west coast this time. I caught some of it on television. They make a lovely couple and were very well received here ;-)

  13. Thank you for sharing some interesting facts about the Royal Family as well as your country.

  14. Cool story and cool pics! Thanks for sharing!
