Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ivins Peranakan Restaurant and Singapore

4 Kuih Pai Tis in a serving of entree.

Batek covered menu.

I lived in Singapore for 16 years of my adult life. One thing I like Singapore is her cleanliness and her honesty.

I went to this restaurant at Kovan 5 times. I was impressed by their 

service. The last time I was there, I left my pink reading glasses. 

The next day, I realised I lost it some where, it was day before I left 

for NZ, and I was upset because it was prescription glasses. I went to 

the restaurant the next day. 

The waitress recognised me, and gave me my glasses.

 Whew!!!!! She had put it safely waiting for me to come back.

This blog post is a belated Thank you to Ivins in Kovan.


  1. Great story!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Nice story, I am glad the waitress remembered you and saved your glasses. Have a happy day, Ann!
