My sister Helen in Australia sent me these photos after reading my post
I thought to myself, What!!!! Guinea pigs on ice blocks. Then I remember when I visited the Singapore Zoo thirty years ago, the penguin was standing on a block of ice.
We just had 4 baby guinea pigs last week. Kids wanted to cuddle them so we told them to wait for 1 week. Also included is the father guinea pig sitting on an ice brick during this heat.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?????????? the mummy guinea pig does all the work, and the father gets to lie on an ice brick. What a life.
Those guineas are gorgeous! I have 8 of them at the moment, most of them "rescue". If your sister needs any ointments or shampoos for her piggies then there is a web site which supplies stuff just for piggies
Your post brought back memories of a guinea pig I had when I was six or seven. They are wonderful pets, I remember.
I did not know guinea pigs liked the cold. They are cute babies.
Read at one forum:
We are looking to buy a guinea pig or hamster. If you or anyone you know is looking to sell one, can you please let me know. Another option is if you are traveling for the holidays, we would love to help out by babysitting your hamster or guinea pig. This way we could at least see what it is like to have one. thanks so much
awwww...they're so cute
A smile from SJ =)
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