Seen at the Arataki Visitor Centre at the Waitakere ranges is this bench. It blended with the natural environment of the bush and forest. I thought what a great idea. We don't need glossy lead, mercury, cobalt, and barium laden paints to make the bench beautiful.
Many out door paints contain serious toxins and are dangerously poisonous to people and the planet. Even stains touted as environmentally friendly will contain over 200 g/L VOC. Some contain ethyl benzene, while others will be full of ethylene glycol.
A natural bench serves the same function as a painted one.
Paki Paki to the Waitakere City Council. In fact, in many places in New Zealand, our outdoor furniture are not painted. In making this particular bench, I can see there is not much need for machinery as well.
Addition: The Waitakere City Council was disestablished in 2010 with the creation of the Auckland Council as a unitary authority - the "SuperCity"
Thanks The probligo,
