There were miles and miles of these stone wall. Some higher than a person, others lower. These are made of volcanic rocks. I wonder how people made them. I went with the water engineer and the son. At one stage, there were so much rocks, and I was getting a stitch in my abdomen, the boys walked very fast. I told them, if they went any further, they would have to carry me out or call for an rescue helicopter.

I had to rest. You can see the wall and wire fence in the background. The wire fence was an electric fence, and I got a zapped.
Heritage Sites * Volcanic Cones * Walkways
The Otuataua Stonefields Historic Reserve is one of Manukau's premier parks. It is an internationally significant heritage landscape and an important natural, archaeological and historic area. Created by volcanic eruptions 20,000 years ago.
For Te Wai O Hua, tangata whenua (indigenous people of the land), it is a taonga (treasure), and for the people of Manukau and for all New Zealanders alike, it is an important historic place.
This 100 hectare area has been established to protect and preserve the archaeological remains of the communities which thrived on this land for hundreds of years. It is one of the last volcanic areas of Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) where you can see the large scale stonework and earthwork remains that show how people once lived and worked. Maori occupation of the Stonefields dates back about 800 years, and Europeans farmed the area for over 100 years.
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