Monday, July 2, 2012


This meme helps you to remember what you did on the weekend of 30 June  Gattina.

I had the most fantastic weekend, I flew drom Singapore to Borneo, Kuching Sarawak to see the Orang Utans.


Ensurai said...

Hahahaha I am from Sarawak and have not seen THESE orang utans YET!!!

Ingrid said...

Wonderful and as the title says "what did YOU do" I suppose you climbed with them in the trees ? lol !

Jama said...

You can find them in our zoo, but I didn't go there during the weekend, but across the border to Johore to shop and eat!

Autumn Belle said...

I have only seen Orang Utan's in a zoo. Glad to know that you had a wonderful time while back in Malaysia.

cindyrina said...

good getaway!!!!

Unknown said...

ha..i see you have been monyet-ing around haha :) gotta love them.

eileeninmd said...

How cool to see the orangutans. Sounds like a lot of fun, Ann! Did you take lots of photos. How close do they come?

Magia da Inês said...

♥ Bom fim de semana!
♡ Beijinhos.