Friday, June 6, 2014

Alphabe-Thursday letter c for caterpillar

In New Zealand, people plant the swan plants for caterpillars of the Monarch butterfly

Alphabe-Thursday letter c


Betty said...

It looks like that caterpillar has been pretty busy!

Annesphamily said...

I once saw a caterpillar that was neon yellow! A very good post for the letter C! I hope you have a good week and thank you for sharing.

Ingrid said...

Nice pictures ! I don't like insects that much however !

Cristina Pop said...

What a great post! I just love the last pic...the caterpillar looks so cute :)

Jenny said...

I've never heard of a swan plant. We used to find them on milkweed beside the road back East.

For several years my kids and I caught and tagged the butterflies.

Thanks for a cute post and a neat memory.

And thanks for linking.
