Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ABC Wednesday letter C

 This cabbage plant has been attacked by white butterfly
 The sweet corn grew to produce small corn.
 This car makes me think of bat-mobile.
 My car had problem, my car mechanis said it's the coil that cause the problem, and told me what the coil is.
Nobody is "maning" the counter here.


eileeninmd said...

Sad to hear the cabbage has been attacked by a bug? I love the sweet corn.. Great collection for your "c" post. Enjoy your week ahead!

Roger Owen Green said...

Cabbage, another word for money, which you'd need to buy that CAR!


Reader Wil said...

Good C words!
I like cabbage in Indonesian food!
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team

Arthur Schenck said...

I've always wanted to grow cabbage—some day! I've grown corn, though. Nice "C" photos.

Hildred said...

Oh the pesky white cabbage butterfly, - they are just all over the world, - or at least where cabbages grow...

ChrisJ said...

My father used us to pay us a penny per caterpillar to pick them off the cabbages. Those white butterflies are everywhere.

Ingrid said...

You found quite a lot of words ! Cabbages are victims of snails here !