Monday, August 31, 2015

Dad and some enterprising boys

Photos: I took these at Wellington Johnsonville.

A real story: 

After the war, Dad went to Singapore to study. He  was in a hostel in a 7 day Adventist school, next to a very big cemetery. The Bidadari Cemetery was just near door.

His seniors told him to come earn some pocket money. They showed him how to scoop of the melted candle. 

A man came on a bike to buy the molten wax. Dad initially felt uncomfortable. But after a while money took over fear.

Bidadari Cemetery was a multi-religious burial ground opened on 1 January 1908. It was located at the junction of Upper Serangoon Road and Upper Aljunied road, and derived its name from the wife of Maharaja Abu Bakar of Johor, whose istana had stood there.[12] The word “bidadari” is itself derived from the Sanskrit word “widyadari”, which literally means ‘nymph’ or ‘fairy’.
The cemetery contained burial sites for several religions and races, including Roman Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Hindus. When it was opened, the Roman Catholic and Protestant sections also each had their own chapel. The cemetery was also used for military burials, and was the resting place for a number of prominent individuals. One of these was the English sailor Augustus Podmore Williams, upon whose life Joseph Conrad based his novel Lord Jim.
Bidadari Cemetery was closed in 1973,

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Kiri King, working dog: hearing dog.

I had the privilege of greeting at Mt Albert Baptist Church this morning and greeted a very special visitor. I thought, I hope I have time to talk to her mum after church, and indeed I had and I asked permission if I could take her photo.

Kiri is a hearing dog for Celia King. Today was the first time, they came to church. Celia is Jono's mum. Jono plays the drum in Church.

Kiri is a member of "Paws in Schools" team with Outreach Therapy Pets.

Kiri loves cuddles and Ice cream from McDonalds. She was born in 2010, and a Golden collie.

Kiri, I hope you will come again, I might sneak in an ice cream.

Celia, great to meet with you. We will connect via email.

My email:

Blogger is playing a trick on me, I can post to some of your posts, Gattina, Leslie. I don't know why.

Friday, August 28, 2015

FSO: Floral clock


the clock was working when my cousin Cecilia came to visit.

Procedure [Friday My Town Shoot Out Link-Up]

Can you share a procedure from your town or city with us? Something that occurs regularly and always at the same time? From town clocks to traffic lights, let your imagination run wild.
Today, I revisited the very spot I had my wedding photos taken just over 35 years ago. Of course, on that day, I was dreamy eyed, and didn't notice how beautiful the trees were. The floral clock was there and it worked at that time, Apparently some idiot had vandalized the hands too many times. The city fathers decided, enough was enough. The hands were no longer replaced. Which is such a pity. Because tourists used to love this and take photos,
Albert Park also holds dear to me, as it borders Auckland university. I used to spend many lunch hours with other students and city worker.

Monday, August 24, 2015

my alma mater , Auckland University.

Feeling good, all my five books are circulated by my alma mater , Auckland University.
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From China to Borneo and beyond

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

Auckland, N.Z. : Ann Kit Suet Chin-Chan 2013

Available at GENERAL LIBRARY Main Collection (959.5 C539 )
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Mail order bride

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

Auckland : Ann Kit Suet Chin. 2013.

Available at GENERAL LIBRARY New Zealand & Pacific Level G (823.92 C54Gm )
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Cry of oppressed women

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

Auckland : Ann Kit Suet Chin. 2014.

Available at GENERAL LIBRARY New Zealand & Pacific Level G (823.92 C54Gc )
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Diary of a bereaved mother

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954-

Auckland, N.Z. : A.K.S. Chin 2011 2nd ed..

Available at GENERAL LIBRARY New Zealand & Pacific Level G (155.937 C539 )
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Hai wai hua ren de Zhong Guo hun = From China to Borneo and beyond

Ann Kit Suet Chin 1954- Kong Sing Ting translator.

Auckland : Ann Chin 2015 Chinese edition..

On Loan.

ABC wednesday Letter G for good sorts

 People donate their recipes and the recipe books are sold to raise money for the building and running of a school in Northern Thailand.

 Volunteers go to a neighbouring school and help spruce up the compound and building.

My Nepalese friend Prinka's effort to help earthquake torn Nepal.
Someone cooks a meal for four, someone bid for it in a silent auction. The proceeds goes to the school in Northern Thailand.

 In New Zealand, we have a Television show "Good sorts" where people who do special things are acknowledged. These photos show people from my church deserved to be acknowledged as "Good Sorts."