Tuesday, November 3, 2015

ABC wednesday, Letter Q

Queuing quietly



Trubes said...

The British know how to queue, habit of a lifetime!

What are you people queuing for ?

I do my food shopping on-line so that I don't have
to queue!

Best wishes.
ABCW team.

Gattina said...

Queuing quietly ? Impossible in Belgium, they all try to be the first !

Unknown said...

iekssssssss i hate queuing ;-)

Like Gattina already sais... in her neighbour country, Holland, people always want to be the first ...

I do all my shopping online, i realy do'nt like it, (not wanting to use the word hate again) and am very gratefull that that is possible !!

Have a nice abc-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Reader Wil said...

Thanks to the British the Dutch, who were notorius queue jumpers, are now little by little learning how to be patiently queueing.
You are right that because of the quest of seafaring nations like Britain and the Netherlands, New Zealand was discovered.
Have a great week, Ann.
Wil, ABCW Team

carol l mckenna said...

creative choice for Q ~ lovely photos!

Wishing you a Happy Week,
artmusedog and carol

uberrhund said...

Very good choice for Q. I do not think I am ever able to Que Quietly, I'm the person chatting with those around me everywhere I go!

Indrani said...

Discipline best taught in childhood.
Great pics for the meme. :)
Happy ABCW!