Tuesday, February 23, 2016

ABC Wednesday: Letter G for garbage.

used cooking oil aka garbage.


I was very happy to see this tank of used cooking oil during the Lunar New Year lantern celebration. All the kitchen waste oil at the different food stall are collected in this tank. They are then made into diesel vehicle fuel.

An environmentally friendly and sustainable lifecycle
By making Biogold™ from used cooking oils, we are able to correctly dispose of the oils, which are a significant waste management issue for our cooking industry, and create an environmentally friendly fuel. We process the oil in New Zealand, a better option than transporting it offshore for processing and use. Our advanced logistics system co-ordinates oil collection locally, consolidates cargo regionally and ships nationally to ensure efficient transport methods.
Recycling and Collecting Used Cooking Oil

Biodiesel New Zealand’s fuel can be run in almost any diesel vehicle.



MelodyK said...

We al have lots of it, don't we. With lots of influence on the environment...

Good choice for this weeks letter.

Thank you for your loyal participation week after week.
I hope to may welcome and greet you many times to come.

Have a nice abc-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Ingrid said...

That's an excellent idea !

Su-sieee! Mac said...

That's great you're recycling the cooking oil in New Zealand. With all the fast food joints that we have in the U.S., recycling cooking oil would be a good thing for us. But, of course, we move like snails putting environmentally friendly things into place.

Reader Wil said...

This is a great solution for recycling cooking oil. New Zealand has such good ways to deal with pollution. Thanks for your post.
Have a great weekend.
Wil, ABCW Team

Roger Owen Green said...

recycling is good.