For a developed country of New Zealand, it is shocking to have homeless/ sleeping in the rough people. The social welfare system provides unemployment, sickness and domestic purpose benefits. Yet up to 150 people in Auckland are estimated to be sleeping rough within a 3 km radius of the Sky Tower. They choose to sleep in doorways, bus shelters, cars, public toilets, parks, building sites, and under bridges.
Myers park in inner city is known to be a favourite haunt. Some sleep under the trees. I went to Myers park and I am not surprised if they sleep under the shelters of Myers Kindergarten.
Myers Park is a narrow park in central Auckland, New Zealand, running parallel to the upper part of Queen Street. It is characterised by steep, grassed slopes and canopied with a mixture of large exotic and native trees, including an alley of large palm trees. Benches and artwork (including a heritage marble copy of Michelangelo's sitting Moses statue) line the paths connecting to Queen Street, K Road, Grey's Avenue and Aotea Square. Running downhill from the northern slope of the Karangahape ridge, the park was formed in 1914 out of an overgrown gully facing towards the Waitemata Harbour.

Ngarimu on Waitangi Day overseeing the Zero waste program.
My sister Elizabeth and I visited Ngarimu and his Marae In Orakei.

My friend Ngarimu is taking part in the LIFEWISE Big Sleepout and helping to end homelessness in Auckland by raising funds. Good job, Ka Pai and Paki Paki.
Here is Ngarimu's appeal:
EVENT: The LIFEWISE Big Sleepout
EVENT DATE: 14/10/2010
Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.
I’m taking part in the LIFEWISE Big Sleepout, helping to end homelessness in Auckland by raising funds for vital support services for homeless people.
On 14 October 2010, I’ll swap my warm bed for a cold concrete surface and experience a little of what it’s like to be homeless alongside other business and community leaders.
Please support my efforts and donate.
Select the 'Make a donation' button below. It's simple, fast and totally secure.
If you live in New Zealand your donation is tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.
So please sponsor me now!
Many thanks for your support
PS LIFEWISE is an Auckland-based community agency initiating new ways to solve challenging social issues and provides services to vulnerable and at-risk people of all ages. LIFEWISE has successfully housed more than 100 long-term homeless people straight from the street in the last two years. To find out more about how LIFEWISE is working to end homelessness in Auckland by 2020 visit http://www.lifewise.org.nz/