- Favorite Shop by NanU
I combined two shoot outs because they were so similar. I combined Main Street/ Store Fronts with NanU Favorite Shop/Store.
Here are her thoughts on the theme.
Favorite shop, well, show us what you like about it. Inside, outside. Maybe some people who work there and what they sell or do.
Also I thought it would be fun to show us a shot of your main street.
I don't take many photos inside of shops as i had been told off many times. Here is a souvenir shop on the Surfer's paradise that I whipped my camera out.
The didgeridoo (also known as a didjeridu or didge) is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia at least 1,500 years ago and is still in widespread usage today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or "drone pipe". Musicologists classify it as a brass aerophone. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didgeridoo
The boomerang needs no explanation.
Great pictures! I love the big water wheel and fancy boomerangs!! I have never gotten caught taking pictures inside shops because I try to be sneaky about it!! But I have been confronted be managers in restaraunts!
Ann, your comment on my post yesterday really touched me. I think I did nothing, only brought out what you already have inside. How wonderful about the book!!! Will you keep me informed on getting a publisher and everything?? I will pray that God uses this book in a wonderful way!! Today is Thanksgiving, and everyone is off till Monday. I am so very thankful for you!
I really enjoyed seeing the souvenir shop storefront with the waterwheel and the street scenes. How colorful and interesting art work on the Didgeridoo and the Boomerang. Great ShootOut!
That's a great place, isn't it,
Ann? Love the didgeridoos. Love their sound too!
Same policy here, no photography in stores! at least with Christmas coming with so many malls being beautifully decorated , taking photos of the decorations is allowed but not the display merchandise.
I got a boomarang for Christmas once, as a little kid. Threw it and threw and got so frustrated that it wouldn't come back and then just before I gave up in frustration, I nmanaged to throw it right and it came back and banged me on the shoulder. Ah well. Nice shots.
Nice pictures. I also find it awkward to take photos inside shops but a couple of times I have been bold enough to ask and got permission.
Ann what beautiful pictures and fun post. I messed up and forgot, so had to improvise.
Those boomerangs look cool. I enjoyed your shoot-out!
great shoot out Ann. I like the street shot busy with people.
thanks for you kind comments on my night shot, Vincent Van Gogh. that was actually early in the morning. I was on my way to work and got sidetracked taking pics for a couple of hours. it was a Saturday so I could show up when ever! so I did!!
I really like the shot of the boomerangs, as I am fascinated by them!
We did bring home several boomerangs for our kids. I wonder if they ever tried throwing them. I hope not because they were so beautiful, I wouldn't want them damaged.
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