The mussels you buy from the super markets are quite clean, Rinse them under cold running water.Remove the beard growing out from the two shells.
Sometimes, there are barnacles growing on the shells, scrap them with a small knife.
Discard any that have broken shells.
(1)Chop garlic, ginger and onions, brown, add chilli flakes. (wine optional)
Add the mussels, stir to get mixed with(1) plus a little salt.
Cover the pot.
Check if done, when the shells open.
Add 2 inch lengths of s[ring onions.
Serve with steamed rice.
New Zealand is famous for her mussels. Here's what we had for dinner last night.
According to James Michener, a particle of mussel shell is left in an oyster. This irritant becomes the growth of an oyster pearl.
Sunday Stills, the next challenge: Your favorite recipe or restaraunt
Posted in Sunday Stills with tags Sunday Stills on April 10, 2011 by Ed
I figure since i’m home for the next 2 weeks I really have no idea what to do for the next couple of challenges so we’ll keep it simple. This week will be a food challenge so pick your favorite recipe or if so inclined go out for dinner and show us what you like about the restaraunt or if you do the recipe I’m sure the other folks will enjoy not only seeing the dish but getting the recipe..:-))
Yum, I love Mussels but BB doesn't so we don't have them at home but it is a treat when we go out for dinner. When we were in NZ visiting a friend, he cooked us Mussels and BB forced them down.I loved them.
this reminds me, it is time to eat! looks wonderful Ann.
You got good pictures of them. I have never had any, and am kind of afrid for us to order them in restaraunts, since some keep them too long and not cold enough. Yours are very fresh.
Interesting, I always thought that an oyster's pearl was formed by a tiny grain of sand. I'm not a fan of mussels, though. But your pictures were nice.
ps You asked me some questions on my macro monday post and here are my answers:
You said:
your daughter was brave. But I didn't see you holding a scorpion.
Did you take some of the cast home? They make beautiful brooches,
Laughing Orca Ranch said...
Like I said in my post, I held the insects first and then my daughter held them. Besides it's a little difficult to take a good, clear macro with only one hand on the camera.
No bugs came home with us. As I said in my post, all the insects were the property of The Bug Lady. She was kind enough to let us all examine and hold them. We weren't about to steal them.
These I must eat when I come!! pROMISE????
they are so fresh and beautiufl!!
In Eastern Canada here, thank you for the interesting read - love the mussels. I am quite new to blogging, however am learning every day. Hope you will take a peek at mine
Lilly in Atlantic Canada
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