usually played outdoors on a lawn. At outdoor bowling, the players throw a ball, which is sometimes eccentrically weighted, in an attempt to put it closest to a designated point or slot in the bowling arena.
This is very popular with the older sportsperson.

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I'd like to try that as soon as I'm old enough.
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel
Wonderful place to do bowling.
Ann, here in Aus. we can not only leave the suitcase on the platform, but also on the train unattended. I don't lock my house or car either. Could not do it in the city but on the farm we can.
We have a similar sport near where I live in BC. I don’t believe it’s free … especially to all the family members. Come to think of it I have never seen youth play this game, as they seem to prefer indoor lanes rather than lawns for bowling.
Interesting... I'd choose the outdoor setting to indoors anytime.
Nice sport activity. Very refreshing.
This is a game I have never heard of, I don't think we have it here.
Looks like bowling is a good game. We on't have it here.
It's nice to know a little about this sport that is not very common in Brazil. Thanks for sharing.
Greetings from Roberto, Brazil
Outdoor bowling is very good, especially the place is wonderful.
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How cool, I have never seen outdoor bowling. It looks like fun. Answer to your questions, it has been awhile since I have had an anonymous comment, I have been blocking them. I do have trouble with blogger saying I am not signed when I go to leave a comment.
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