Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My World Tuesday/Outdoor Wed: Brickworks at New Lynn

New Lynn in West Auckland had a brick work and ceramics heritage. They built this momument to celebrate the hard work of all the brick workers for their hard work in the hot furnace,




FWLTT said...

please join in: http://www.filipinowholovestotravel.com/

Ginny Hartzler said...

A monument to brick layers, that's a good thing. Phil teaches it, it is a hard job.

Unknown said...

Good tribute. So, Cny came and went. Chap go meh came and went. It's back to work...but not before 2 public holidays this Monday & Tuesday. I do think we have way too much holidays...good for the staff..maybe not so for business hah? So, how's everything?

diane b said...

An interesting monument. You should link tis post to Taphophile tragics (see my post)

Gattina said...

The bricks look very beautiful too !

Doru said...

Amazing idea!
Thank you!