Friday, August 23, 2013

Photohunt: My Morning croissants

Photo: My morning, I would like croissants . Watched yesterday on my news about cronut, croissant-doughnut hybrid. I don't think I like the cronuts.
For my Photo hunt theme.

Your morning: My morning, I would like croissants . Watched yesterday on my news about cronut, croissant-doughnut hybrid. I don't think I like the cronuts.  



eastcoastlife said...

We are having the cronuts craze in Singapore. I don't like this new hybrid. I prefer my croissants. :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are slim, so it should be ok for you ECL.

Ingrid said...

Yummy ! I love croissants too !