When you have slogged three, four, six, ten years. Don't you think you deserve an elaborate ceremony like this? The water engineer getting his PhD.
***Inside the Auckland Town Hall***

This was my capping/graduation/convocation with Mark. I walked from the campus at Princess Street, down Victoria Street, walked up the stairs into the Great Hall. Then I never saw him again. I wonder where he is now.
My reflection for this week is two profound ideas. I just learn that some Town fathers wanted to demolish this building. Luckily there was some wise people who opposed to this move. Imagine this grand old lady was gone? What a great loss it would be.
The other is some people advocate that you don't need to succeed in life without an education. I beg to differ. Education has served my family very well. My grand grand dad had a SIEW CAI, and equivalent of a university degree more than 100 years ago in China. The family had instilled in us the value of education. Yes, we may not be rich financially, but we have a wealth of experience.

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