Tonight, I met a man from Zimbawe. He looked like Willie Nelson, with his beard and long hair. The song On the Road again kept ringing in my ear. But this Willie Nelson lookalike doesn't sing, and is in fact a respectable barrister. Here's my shots, sometimes, I want to snap a certain photo, but the car has gone to fast, and my driver tells me it it too late.

Caught in action, a telecom technician with his face looking down a hole in the road repairing some cables.

In New Zealand, where labour is relatively expensive, the council uses machines to sweep and vaccum the roads.

Metal bollards like these are found in some shop fronts mainly to prevent cars from parking too near to the entrance. In some cases, they prevent cars from deliberately crashing into the store and rob them. A friend who is a chemist had been robbed a few times.

The bus stops have ad shells which earns the city council money. The trouble with them as they are temptation objects to young hoodlums who shoot BB guns to break them. Their kind of fun had landed some elderly defenseless man and women in hospital.

Little cars are used as mobile advertisements. Sometimes they go in doubles, and in this case, four cars were used to promote a health drink.

Toilets are very useful especially when you are on the road a long time. When you need to go, you need to go. You don't mind if it is one hundred years old.

Up on the roof was a wheel advertising exactly what kind of business the proprietor was involved in.

When you have walked or run a long distance, perhaps after biking, here is a comfy chair to sit on.

Do cows pay road tax? Whether they do or not, it is to your interests to stop when they cross the road. In certain countries, if you run down an animal or chicken, the whole village will come after you with sticks and stones.

Here at a very busy round around junction in Auckland is a Chinese Restaurant. It is a very old one, and the food isn't recommended, unless you go to the European Chop Suey or Chow Mein. You know, the supposedly Chinese food which are not served in China.