When I finished high school in Borneo, I had a gap year and became a teacher before I went to university in Canada. The kids adored me as I was just a kid myself at 19, not much older than some of the students who have come from Chinese schools.
That school, Kai Chung school in Binatang aka now as Bintang, divided the students into houses named after flowers. I was in charge of the Allamanda team. This yellow trumpet like flower is very potent, the sap is poisonous.
This flower from a shrub I found on the Gold Coast of Australia is slightly different to the Borneo ones. They have those extra petals in the middle.
Common Name: Stansill's Double, Flore Pleno Allamanda
Botanical Name: Allamanda cathartica 'Stansill's Double'
The Borneo ones are look like a trumpet and have a hole in the middle.
This Monday, I am combining this post for the meme, Mellow Yellow which I normally post on my other site. http://ann-mythoughtsandphotos.blogspot.com/2010/01/mellow-yellow-fire-evacuation-sign.html
Love your allamanda flower shots!!!
have a great day!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
a photoblog
South Africa
hey there...missed you :)
I just bought an Alamanda plant, love them for their color...have a great day :)
It is nice to know that you went to teach in Kai Chung now a huge school .Hope you don't mind my saying this: the new name of Binatang is Bintangor (name of a tree which may have properties to cure AIDS).
Binatang was rejected as the town's name because in BM it means animal.
The Foochows just called it Ming Tang(Bright medicinal capsule) or Bintang (Star).
Malaysia is well known for changing names of places.
Like your alamanda pics.
The allamanda is a pretty flower; nice shots and it's intesesting to read your connections with it.
PS We have had a few cool days in Adelaide, but it is hotting up again; 35C on Thursday.
Lovely yellow photo!
Very cool, beautiful, yet deadly. I like..:-) This kinda goes with my Macro Monday post for today..;-)
Allamanda bloom,
deep within your golden folds—
ah, hidden treasure!
Visit the yellow-jacketed dog man!
Pretty flower. Is this one also poisonous?
thanks for the education on the flower. Beautiful yellow flowers!
thanks for the education on the flower. Beautiful yellow flowers!
that's a lovely yellow bell.!
Birthday Cake for mellow yellow monday!
Interesting flower Ann.thanks for sharing:)
i have always thought yellow was a very happy colour & you proved me right :)
lovely macros, next time you should try getting that little bit closer to capture the finer details
Lovely flower photos! Longing for spring to arrive here!
Lovely! Such wonderful yellow flowers for Mellow Yellow Monday!
we used to tie frangipanies in clumps and played them like sepak takraw. about glass as an environmental issue, i have no issues with that. even plastic cups or paper cups have their own issues
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