Sunday Stills, the next challenge: Moods and Emotions
Posted in Sunday Stills Challenge of the Week, the next challenge with tags Sunday Stills, Sunday Stills Challenge on January 10, 2010 by Ed
This will take a bit of explaining. This challenge is for you to get a shot that enables a response in the person who views your pic not one that is your personal emotion. For example if I see a pic of a tranqual stream or a sunrise I feel mellow, If I see a pic of doggie smiles or a horse doing his rolling in dirt thing It makes me smile, you get the idea. So lets see just how much talent we have out there and have some fun with this one, I’m already writing ideas in my notebook for pics and can’t wait to get started.
These are all taken in Australia. They do evoke my emotions, and I hope they evoke yours too. No commentaries from me, but I shall love to hear yours.
Thanks for leaving your comment on my blog. I don't think the geese get cold because they have 2 layers of feathers, first down then the outer layer. The feathers are greased to keep off the water. They are quite fat too and very well fed!
I like to see people tickling animals especially dogs. It just shows how much they love animals and are "connected " with them.
I may have a poor impression of a person but once he plays with dogs I would thaw slightly....the skeptic that I am!!
thanks for the lovely photos.
That 4th photo was a kangaroo. He played dead, and kept still even when people tickled him.
I wanted to be there right up until I saw the snake and then I was happy to be right here. Loved your shots.
Great shots!
The first photo is great- anticipation of a big splash! The roo made me smile and the snake- ewwwww!
That last shot shows a lot! Don't fall......
Hmm I feel longing. I can't wait for warmer weather to get here.
fun family time! The snake and the high wire would be a little scary for me! I love the kangaroo shots!
Oh nice! Other then the snake I'm totally wishing I was there! Great summery photos!
Well the snake one evoked fear for me! The others did create some longing for warmer weather!
The belly scratch of the kangaroo says, ah... very content.
The kangaroo kiss and belly rub are so fun! I also like the boy jumping in before actually landing in the water...good capture. These all make me smile.
The pinkish-orange thing trapped in the parasitic plant in my photo you inquired about is only a fallen leaf...we don't have very colorful fish here.
These are nice selections. Like the jumping shot and the belly rub definitely made me smile.
Really Lookout
Look at those feet..lookout
Brave!! Very Brave :)
Ann...the horse in the first photo of my post is not playing dead...he is dead. He had just been put down and had been part of my daughter's life for 26 years. A very emotional picture for me.
I'd love to pet a kangaroo...but I'll pass on the snake!
Your first photo is wonderful...right down to the reflection of the child in the water...FUN!
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